Come on out and join us for a time of fellowship through semi-competitive play!
WHO: Anyone who is interested! Bring your friends, your family and your friend's family!
WHERE: Twenty Valley Public School's Gymnasium (4057 Victoria Ave, Vineland)
WHEN: Thursday evenings (starting mid-September till end of May) from 7-9pm with our match typically wrapping up around 8:30pm
WHAT TO EXPECT (from a typical night): Doors open at 7 and by 7:15 we are ready with goalies warming up (goalies change every week and swap out at half time). By 7:20 we have selected teams and are ready for face off.
We have 3 lines, one for younger kids, one for older kids and one for teens/adults, although this varies week to week, pending who comes out. Each line has a shift of 2 minutes before swapping out.
At 7:45 we take a 20 minute intermission to have a devotional time where we learn about the fundamentals of faith and allow our goalies to swap equipment.
By 8:05 we resume the match (sometimes at this point we have to switch up the teams to even out the skill levels).
At 8:30 we blow the final whistle and everyone lines up behind their goalie to shake hands. After this point we begin to pack up our equipment, but we also allow people to stick around chat while the kids practice their shooting.